Workplace Red Flags: What to Watch Out For

Congratulations on landing an interview or getting hired at a new job! While your new employer is figuring out if you’re right for their business, it’s important for you to determine if your new job is right for you, too. In all the excitement, it’s crucial to keep your eye out for red flags in your new workplace.

Here are three red flags to watch out for from Monster that can help you make the right decision about whether to take a job or not.

Workplace Red Flags

  1. Unprofessional Communication

During the hiring process, you expect a certain level of professionalism and respect. Emails and phone calls should be returned promptly and you shouldn’t be given the run around. If you find yourself going out of your way to get answers or an appointment, this business might not be a good fit.

  1. Unhappy Workplace

When interviewing at your potential workplace, take a look around at the environment. Do the employees you see look happy or disgruntled? Do you hear a lot of venting in the elevator or positive conversations? All of these things matter when you consider how much time you could be spending there if you get and take the job.

  1. Rapport with Employer and Co-Workers

During your interview, how do you feel about your new boss or other colleagues in the room? Are you hitting it off or are they rubbing you the wrong way? Monster suggests trusting your gut-reaction; if you don’t see yourself getting along with these people, chances are you may not work well together.

It’s important to trust your instincts when going through the interview process and getting familiar with your workplace. If you hit it off with your new boss and love the office, great! If not, don’t put yourself in a situation where you may have to quit soon and start the job search process all over again.